Tips & Tricks

Notions makes sewing a more pleasurable experience and enhances your creativity. You don't have to have the most expensive tools, just the right tools. Rulers need to be straight, scissors sharp, and rotary cutters come in 45mm or 60mm.
Tip: A shower suction handle provides stability and support needed for safe cutting.

Buy the tools that suit you.
I like rulers with big, bold, easy to read numbers. I use the quarter/half/three-quarter marks to better see straight lines where numbers don't overlap my sewn seams. Tip: Ask your local hardware store to cut to size acrylic ruler squares, don't forget to add 1/2" for seam allowance.

Functional Space
Design Wall
My sewing machine is right next to my design wall for easier access, along with some of my most used rulers, and rotating mats. Tip: Fabric sticks to felt. You can buy a felt back tablecloth or large felt yardage to turn an ordinary wall into a designated design wall. Place your quilt squares with easy on/off placement.

Display the Quilts
Wall Rack or Ladder
Thank you hubby for creating this wall hanging quilt rack from leftover project items. This also serves as my UFOS. Tip: The simplest quilt racks can make your quilts shine.

Organization is Key
In keeping your space functional, take the time organize your material, notions, special equipment, rulers, and knick-knacks. Tip: Organize items how YOU will use them. I group my fabric by colors, backing fabric grouped by manufacturer, and sort miscellaneous items into plastic bins.

Organized and Ready to Design
Neat, organized, and functioning. This is definitely a time saver! Tip: Remove EVERYTHING from the area first, choose items you want to organize, buy some bins, and set yourself up for success!

Wooden Pressing Block
Spray Bottle
Spray bottles hold more water than an iron. It saves time in spraying a mist over the direct area.
After ironing your quilt block, use the weight of wood blocks to keep your seams flatter. It helps keep your blocks together when it's time to assemble your quilt.
Tip: Check your left-over wood scraps, cut, sand, voila!

Wait...what is that?
Tire Chalk or Geode
To keep your fabric from shifting while cutting, use a weighted object such as a Tire Chalk or your favorite Geode (thanks Little Miss Appy). Tip: Use what you have (bottle of water), or make your own.

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